I try to hold my Candlelight Memorial as near to the 1st of the month as possible, however you can hold your own at any time that suits you during the month.
You can use the published resources: Blessing & Prayer & Poems & Prose to hold your own personal Candlelight Memorials and you can add you own private dedication whist doing this.
I use the same blessing and prayer each month. These are optional and published on the Blessing & Prayer page, and of course you are welcome to add your own prayers/words or dedication.
The poem/prose changes each month and is published on the Poems & Prose page
My aim is to remember love eternal and peace. So that I could undertake these I was ordained as a Minister of Peace by the Universal Life Church Monastery, which is open to all faiths and spiritual paths.
A Candlelight Memorial usually consists of :
- welcome & lighting of a candle
- a blessing dedicated to those on the remembrance wall
- a prayer
- a poem or prose of my own
- thanks and farewell
I have written the blessing, prayer and all the poems/prose myself. I light the candle below during my Memorials.